Grace Kelly an American Princess inspiration photo and Roving Package with Merino/Bamboo/Nylon Roving
Geena Davis as the Pirate in Cutthroat Island inspiration photo and Roving package with Merino/Tussah roving
Pirate Captain Shakespear inspiration photo and batt

Princess Una inspiration photo and batt

Pirate Will Turner inspiration photo and batt

Princess Buttercup inspiration photo and batt

Princess Inspiration photo and batt

Princess Inspiration photo and batt

Captain Hook batt inspired from 3 different photos

Cinderella inspiration photo and batt

Pirate Captain Kid inspiration photo and batt

Pirate inspiration photo and batt (has shine but no sparkle)

Princess Inspiration photo and batt

Pirate Jack Sparrow inspiration photo and batt (super smooth)

Princess Jasmine inspiration photo and Merino/Bamboo/Nylon Roving

Pirate King inspiration photo and batt (no white)

Pirate Inspiration photo and Roving in Merino/Bamboo/Nylon

Wicked Fairy Pirate inspiration photo and Roving in Polwarth

Pirate water horizon inspiration photo and roving in Merino/Bamboo/Tencel

Frog Princess Inspiration Photo and Roving in Merino/Bamboo/Nylon

Pirate King inspiration photo and Roving in Merino/Bamboo/Nylon with Silver Firestar

Princess Photo Inspiration and Yarn in Merino/Bamboo DK weight (shown in 2 colorways)

Pirate Jack Sparrow inspiration photo and batt (non-wool, no animal fiber batt)

Pirate Charley Brown Inspiration photo and Yarn in Merino/Bamboo DK Weight

Pirate Captain Phat batt (a surprise for Phat Fiber)
"The Punk Rock Pirate" surprise batt
These need to be added to your shop! I love the Pirate Jack Sparrow super smooth batt (with the pic where he's holding the paper). I could go on, but then I'd just be copying your list!
Thank you! I am working on a gallery style page for my new shop but I have not gotten there yet. Im hoping to refer people to my blog to see my work.
These are gorgeous!!! I love mine, but I love all the other ones, too!!
I love your batts! The colors are just great and you do an incredible job of matching colors to the pics!
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