I did 5 washes, and 2 rinses on these. I had about 1lb that I did in 2 tubs of about 1/2 lb each. I used Unicorn Power Scour to wash. The first batch I did not do a presoak and I ended up doing 5 wash cycles! I used the Unicorn Fiber Rinse and did 2 rinses.
The second batch I did a plain water presoak, followed by 4 washes and rinsed in only water with no fiber rinse for 3 rinse cycles.
All in all, while id did clean up a lot, I think it could be cleaner. There is still quite a bit of VM and stained areas. The overall staple length is a pretty consistent 2". It is all drying now. I will take more pictures after its dry. I am hoping that I come the light of day it will look better. I plan on picking it to see if I can get rid of a good bit of the VM. I think once I do that I should be able to wash it again with some better results. The dirt seems very persistent in areas. I am not sure the stained wool will come clean but I have hopes. The wool its self if very soft and springy feeling. Wish me luck!
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