
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I have turned my desk into a giant skein maker

Yep thats right, I added nails along the front to help keep the yarn separated. I also turned another table on its side to add to the loop length. I am doing this because I am making a 180 yard skein. This is the longest skein loop I have ever done. I have had to rethink my strategy several times. I think this way will work. The only downside that I am having so far is that its sitting on the floor as most desks are. This means that I have to sort of walk in circles upside down. It makes me very dizzy and I can only wrap a few wraps at a time. Then I secure the loop with a clothes pin and a piece of string. How do you do your giant loops?


Gillian said...

Sounds like you could benefit from a warping board, although I've not heard of one that will make loops that big. You should post pictures of your setup!

Unknown said...

Hi Gillian, I just took photos of it and Im posting them in the newest blog. Tell me what ya think!

Unknown said...

Just an update to say the Giant yarn skein did not work for me. Somewhere along the way I crossed threads and could not uncross it. I am back to the drawing board.

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