
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Our new apartment! Yay!!

We got a very good deal on an apartment and we jumped at it. This is the first time in years that we will not have roommates. We are both looking forward to some alone time together. I get to set up everything just how I want it (well.. I guess Tom has some say in it to *grin*). It is just a bit daunting to think about though. Kind of weird because its something we have wanted to do for a while and now we have it and I am not sure how to feel about it. Silly Johanna with her 2nd and 3rd thoughts..

I get a room all to myself as my new work space! That is really where the fun will be happening. I am going to be picking up my shelves from storage in the next few days. I have to get something to put under the feet first so they don't cut through the carpet. Tom said maybe a big metal washer for each foot but I have to look and see what I can find. Another funny thing is after living with others for so long we had really paired down our own stuff and now we are realizing we don't have such things as can openers or a toaster.

We gave away most of our pots and pans to my sister because at our friends in Leitchfield they had everything and our stuff would have been in the way. But I do have plenty of dyeing pots and pans which are not really for making anything for human consumption. It makes me want to laugh a bit though because I mentioned the lack of pots and pans the other day while someone saw my dyeing ones and said what about those? I said oh those don't count. I dye in them! Funny stuff but I think you probably had to be there.

Today I have to take some photos of finished yarn and roving and list them. Then I have to go to the store for a necessities run. All in all I am so glad to finally be "home"!


Ebonraven said...

If you have an IKEA handy, they have cheap necessities. And their 365+ line of cookware is fantastic (at least all the stuff I got has been.)

It's not cheap (like $5 a pan cheap), but it's not the Uber Overpriced $200 a pan either. Most of mine have run between $20 and $50 for a pot/pan depending what it was.

Also ROSS carries cookware, if you have a Ross Dress For Less in your area. I have gotten several pans and my pasta pot there and spent a total of $35 for 3 of them.

Unknown said...

I think this weekend we will go and get some pots and pans. We did get a george forman grill because those are handy little things. Tom likes to cook everything on them. I used it to toast my bagels this morning but.. it took a long time. Im not sure if there is an IKEA around but I know there are some of the stores like Ross but I can't remember the names but the ones where they get the left overs for less. Its usually pretty good quality too!

Ebonraven said...

Palette ends are a great way to buy things like pots and pans. :) And dishes. :)

I have a little george foreman grill, but I don't like that their non-stick is such a thin coating. Mine always peel in under 18 months.

I want to replace mine with a waffle iron with multiple plates. I had one with reversible plates, waffle on one side, griddle on the other. Those are nice, and work the same as the george foreman grill.

Unknown said...

that would be lovely and I love waffles!

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